Friday, August 13, 2010

Sun, Sand, Surf

Most people move for one of a very few reasons: Job; School; Family. Over my life I’ve moved for all of these reasons and more. Today though, my family are moving for a different reason: Weather.

I know that everyone has heard how in Seattle it’s always cloudy and rainy but until you have experienced it you don’t understand. The clouds here are very low and oppressive. They are thick and dark. They last for weeks and even months at a time. It creates a feeling of melancholy that permeates your very soul. Some people seem to be immune to this effect, my family is not.

Not All Bad

Now, I’m not saying that Seattle is all bad because that is not the case. When the sun shines here it is one of the most amazing places I’ve ever seen. A summer morning can take your breath away. From Cascade Mountains to the east, a dark silhouette surrounded by pink glowing clouds to the Olympics in the west with their slopes bathed in yellow light. The towering Firs and Cedars; the rushing, boulder-filled rivers; the snow covered peaks of Cascade volcanoes; it is all something out of the imagination of a children’s storybook author.

We do love it here, when the sun shines. Unfortunately, that is not often enough. So we’re moving.

Here comes the Sun

It would be difficult to move a longer distance and stay within the United States. Were moving from Redmond Washington to Merritt Island Florida. Yup, we’re trading overcast and mist for sun, sand and surf. I know we’re also trading mountains and glaciers for pancake-flat and steamy heat, but it’s well worth it.

We are certainly going to miss a lot of people and places but this is the right move for us. Stay tuned as we move across the country as this blog will be a kind of daily diary from our cross-country trip.

Stay tuned for more …

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